Frequently Asked Questions

We are proud to be located in one of Ohio's most popular and active college towns - Bowling Green! We are now located entirely indoors with indoor waiting for everyone at the Woodland Mall at 1234 N Main St Bowling Green Ohio. The ticket booth, waiting lines and the entire haunt will be located inside a warm, dry and spacious building!

Yes, Distracted Haunted House is our main most popular attraction but we do have additional attractions onsite to enjoy and all are included with your ticket! We also have covered tents outdoors in our recovery zone for after you exit the haunted house for re-gathering and getting group photos along with a warm fire pit! Enjoy the fire and free hot cocoa and marshmallows afterwards as you recover and relive the scary fun with friends!

General Admission tickets are $24 for everyone (both adults and children). There are many discounts available for individuals and groups! Sign up here to be notified of new discounts and updates! More ticket information can be found here.

Yes, it is scary and you will be scared in ways you never have been before. We have local artists, craftsman, technicians and actors working year round to create an original indoor environment for scares you won’t see anywhere else. Read reviews!

There is no age requirement or supervision needed to go through the haunt. However, we recommend ages 13+ for Distracted Haunted House. The decision should be based on the individual, for everyone handles being scared differently. If you or your child can watch a scary horror movie, then going through a haunted house should be just fine. There will be adult supervision and staff for anyone that needs to be escorted out of the haunt safely.

We do not close due to inclement weather. Our haunted house is an indoor attraction located inside a mall with unlimited indoor waiting room capacity along with our ticket office where you can stay warm, dry and entertained while waiting to be scared. We also have covered tents outdoors in our recovery zone for after you exit the haunted house for re-gathering and getting group photos. We also provide a warm fire pit to sit by and free hot cocoa and marshmallows for everyone to roast and enjoy afterwards!

Yes, we accept debit and credit cards both online and at the door as well as cash. More ticket information is available here

Discounts cannot be combined. We make many special discounts available throughout the season and the best way to not miss out on them is to sign up for updates from us here. You will also find discount and special promotions on our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and SnapChat @FearDistracted

You do not need to print out your tickets. We can scan them from your phone at the ticket booth.

Better safe than sorry so as a precaution we do not allow pregnant woman to enter into the haunted house. However, they are welcome to relax in our spacious indoor waiting area and can re-join their group in the Recovery Zone and fire pit areas for free hot cocoa, marshmallows for roasting and group photos!

"Distracted delivers on it's promise to scare and entertain you!" -JLK

"You will be caught off guard in this haunt!" - SDS

"By far it's the most scared I've been in a haunted house!" -KAW